Oct. Training Recap & Recordings: Go Mobile

Have you ever wanted the freedom to operate away from your desktop? Well, we’ve got you covered! With SBI, you’re able to drive your business through mobile applications. Our October training series, which ran for 4 weeks, was all about how you can Go Mobile; from Inventory Control to Orders, Logistics to Payments - and everything in between!

This series ran every Thursday at 2pEST/11aPST, October 3rd-24th. If you missed any of the sessions or would like to rewatch, simply click any of the links below. Also, be sure to mark your calendars as we begin our new series next week!

  • Session 1 : how best to utilize Inventory Control Mobile, Orders, Logistics, and more!

  • Session 2 : intricacies of managing your inventory in the field with Inventory Control Mobile, Vendor Managed Inventory, and Flow App.

  • Session 3 : review Orders and Order Fulfillment, how best to create orders for different user groups, and processing with regard to picking and releasing.

  • Session 4 : Learn more about Delivery Driver and Receiving apps, Logistics and Rack Tracking.

What would you like to learn?

Attention all training enthusiasts! We are gearing up for our next training series and we want your input. Your ideas are the fuel that drives our sessions, so don't hold back! Whether it's a newer or not-so-new app, something seasonal, or an area you're simply keen to explore, we're all ears.

Submit Topic Suggestion


Nov. Training Recap & Recordings: Production


ERP Software That You Can Trust